The Johnson Family

The Johnson Family
Billy, Bobby, Arthur, Bart, Margaret, Ethel, and WB Christmas Day in 1939

Thursday, July 3, 2014

July 1, 2014
Bonsor Johnson Family Films

My father loved taking pictures and movies.  I must have inherited that gene, because I take lots of pictures and love making movies.  After my father passed away, all of his pictures and movies were given to me, and I have been slowly going through them, looking at them and enjoying every minute.  My father had well over 10,000 slides, thousands of prints and negatives and reels and reels of movies, so it has taken time to review them and I am not even close to being done.  Over the years I have accumulated software and equipment to copy and save these precious memories to a digital format since the old film and prints are fast disintegrating.  Several weeks ago I came across some reels of 16mm film I had not seen before and with no label, I really had no idea what these reels contained.  So I had the film transferred and was amazed at what I found.  I have edited a few snippets for you viewing pleasure and plan to prepare more as I have time.  Please send me info on what you see, especially what year and who some of these people are, I only recognize the immediate family.  I hope you enjoy as much as I have and there will be more to come.

Halloween with the children.

Rocking on the Front Porch